✎ • • • 216

*Please Click the image to zoom in HQ*

Palette -Store-

Available at Equal10 -Event-

• Set 📌 Palette - Mimi Set
*For Maitreya, Legacy, 
Perky & Ebody Reborn*

RAWR! -Store-

• Earrings 📌 RAWR! Je t'aime Earrings
*For Lelu Evo X ELF Female.
It comes with HUD to change & customize*

- Secrets - -Store-

• Body Jewelry 📌 - Secrets - Queen Leg Jewelry
*For Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra
& Ebody Reborn. It comes with
rgb for the crystals & 6 
different metals*

FAGA -Store-

• Hair 📌 FAGA - Jess Hairstyle
*What can I say, cute as always <3*

-Pretty Liars- -Store-

• Choker 📌 -Pretty Liars- Real Choking
*For Maitreya, Legacy, Freya,
Kupra & Ebody Reborn. It comes 
customizable with textures, sounds,
text, intensities, animation & more!*

The Bearded Guy -Store-

• Backdrop 📌 January Shine Backdorp - The Bearded Guy
*It comes modify*
